My driver’s license is less than a month away from expiration. To date, I have received one notification from the PA Department of Motor Vehicles and 6 from Hertz Rental Cars. In fact, on last week’s trip to Louisiana, both the Hertz agent that checked me out and checked me back in when I returned the car, reminded me that my license is about to expire. (We can discuss why I require so many reminders to renew my license in subsequent DIAL’s.) With the last Hertz employee’s reminder, I joked, “Wow, you guys care about my license more than the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.” She smiled and said, “Sweetie, if you can’t move, we lose.” As I researched Photo License Centers near me, I thought about my life and leadership and my vested interest in others. Do I truly believe that I lose when others can’t “move"? Sure, as a CEO of a ministry focused on leadership, I’m all about others’ growth. But, does the prospect of them not growing, of them not reaching their God-given potential and joy, actually cause me enough pain to possibly change my behavior, to invest more, to not give up on them? On the balance scales, does my love for others even come close to “equal and possibly exceeding love for myself"? Hertz may only care about my license because of their profit line. As disciples called to give witness to how the Good News of Jesus moves us and how He can move others, what’s our prophet line look like? PS – I have both Uber and Lyft just in case we cut it real close.

by Daniel Cellucci

January 15, 2018

Emboldening Our Clergy

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