As a Next Generation Diocese, the Diocese of Allentown is strengthening the local Church with deeper clarity and understanding of its priests’ and parishes’ strengths and opportunities. Recent results from the Disciple Maker Index survey revealed areas where the diocese is experiencing trends in beliefs that exceed the national average. At the same time, the diocese came to better understand the areas of opportunity that speak to discipleship, vocations, and communal life.

The diocese collected 13,272 surveys and reported on initial findings in this article by the AD Today:

Among the various strengths of the parishes in the Diocese identified in the survey results, the following stand out.

Top 3 by Highest Percentage Strongly Agree

  • Belief: 77% of respondents strongly agree that they personally belief that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
  • Belief: 74% of respondents strongly agree that they personally belief that Scripture is the word of God.
  • Belief: 58% of respondents strongly agree that the Church is critical to their relationship with God.

The DMI Survey also identified areas of opportunity for growth in the Diocese.

Top 3 by Lowest Percentage Strongly Agree

  • Growth via music deepens participation: 30% of respondents strongly agree that the music offered at Mass deepens their desire to participate more fully in the Sunday Liturgy.
  • Growth via discipleship formation: 26% of respondents strongly agree that the parish is helping to form them as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
  • Conversations: 17% of respondents strongly agree that they are growing their confidence in the Church’s teachings so they can answer other's questions.

Read the Full Story

Bishop Alfred Schlert, bishop of the Diocese of Allentown, shared about the enthusiasm among the priests and people of the diocese in this video message:

Join us in praying for the priests and people in the Diocese of Allentown as they lean into their strengths and address those areas of opportunity in the months ahead!

Prayer for Leaders

Dear Lord, we pray that you will create among us Catholic leaders; individuals made in your image who will apply your teachings in their lives and positively impact our families, our workplaces, our communities, and our Church.

Help us to inspire those with whom we come in contact to share their God-given talents, to do your will and to find a place in your kingdom where their deepest joys and the world’s deepest hungers meet and cry for their special qualities and abilities.

Make us leaders, Lord, leaders with strength and courage to follow you. Leaders who make your love visible to the world in all of our words and actions. Amen.

by Mary Serafino

September 23, 2024

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