"No one’s irreplaceable." Advice I have been given and that I’ve offered to many a leader who have struggled with personnel decisions. While I’ve always offered it with the hope of providing reassurance or encouragement for making a difficult move, I must admit that the last time I heard the expression, it didn’t sit right. Each of us is irreplaceable because we were made uniquely by God. Each of us has a unique role to play. We shouldn’t overplay it, but we shouldn’t underplay it either. As a leader, am I aware of the true value of those I lead? Does their contribution stop with my needs or do I strive to understand their irreplaceability as God does? Perhaps my lens, is what needs the most replacing.

by Daniel Cellucci

January 16, 2017

Emboldening Our Clergy

CLI serves Church leaders, helping them rediscover their potential and forming them to be more intentional with those they serve.

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Igniting Our Parishes

CLI helps empower and energize Catholic leaders by providing focus and courage to engage the culture with an apostolic mindset.

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Forging Our Future

CLI provides vision and hope about the future of the Church with a humble, yet strategic approach.

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