Seeking Your Feedback

Parish Life is Forever Changed

As we look forward to and pray about a post-pandemic world, you – like so many fellow Catholics – may be wondering:

What will parish life look like in the future?

Blessed by the support of foundations and philanthropists who care deeply about the future of our people and parishes, Catholic Leadership Institute is investigating this very question.

In May, we are hosting a collaborative conversation amongst thought leaders and experts around the country to explore parish vitality.

In planning for this conversation, we want to hear from you! As we seek to define, measure, and create vibrancy in parishes, we want to know what you think is important so we can share your input with the panelists.

Below are some topics to inspire your thinking so we can help to set our parishes ablaze with love for the Lord. (Feel free to answer a question below or pose your own questions and challenges!)

  • Do you know of a parish that has been thriving over the past year? Tell us about it! What has contributed to its fruitfulness?
  • How does the unique context of a parish affect how one should think about vitality? In other words, what difference does location, size or composition make in vitality?
  • In your opinion, what are three characteristics of a vibrant parish?

This is a crucial topic, and we want to include your voices, prayers, and thoughts. I look forward to your questions, and I look forward to sharing with you the interesting findings and ideas that come out of this symposium.


“Making your ear attentive to wisdom and
inclining your heart to understanding.” Proverbs 2:2

p.s. I hope you are still feeling the joy and light of the Resurrection! Please know that our Catholic Leadership Institute team and I prayed for you and your loved ones this Easter.

p.p.s. Email us to share your questions, responses, and ideas. If you are interested in receiving a briefing after the symposium takes place, you can request that by emailing us as well!

by Mike School

April 08, 2021

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