In this episode of Good Morning Faith Feeds podcast from Boston College's Church in the 21st Century Center, Dan Cellucci speaks about Parish Life Today, addressing the current landscape of pastoral leadership, and places of unique opportunities, including over 70+ episcopal transitions in the next five years. He also spoke about young Catholics, saying:

"We now have probably two generations of people who are not rejecting Catholicism or Christianity, they just have never had an experience of it in the first place. Even if they've been baptized as a child, they didn't grow up going to the parish, they don't know what this is and they don't know why it matters. A lot of people hear that and say that's sad and I can understand that. I actually think that's a tremendous opportunity, though... we have a real opportunity to re-present the Church as a community of disciples that has a relevant role to play in their lives."

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by Mary Serafino

July 08, 2024

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