Celebrating the St. Thérèse Society

“After my death, I will let fall a shower of roses. I will spend my heaven doing good upon earth. I will raise up a mighty host of little saints.
My mission is to make God loved…”
~St. Thérèse the Little Flower

On October 1, we celebrated the Feast Day of St. Thérèse.

That day, Catholic Leadership Institute (CLI) celebrated a special Mass for the members of our St. Thérèse Society, which honors those who have made a legacy gift to CLI’s ministry.

St. Thérèse has left a beautiful legacy of childlike faith, roses from heaven, and her “little way” of doing ordinary things with extraordinary love.

When donors share their intent to support CLI with a bequest, gift of life insurance, and other estate and planned gifts, they too embody extraordinary love. They too send “roses” of support, leadership, and accompaniment to our Church leaders that endure for generations.

St. Thérèse faithfully believed that her life was truly just beginning upon her arrival in heaven. She promised to spend her heavenly life doing good for those on earth.

CLI is so grateful to those who have made a gift that will do the same for generations to come.

I thought you might find it inspiring to know that one of our very first St. Thérèse Society members was a wonderful priest who we have had the honor of serving through our Good Leaders, Good Shepherds program and our Next Generation Parish ministry. CLI is so humbled by this shepherd’s great generosity.

p.s. If you should have an interest in learning more about planned and asset-based giving, we have partners and resources that can help you maximize your generosity, decrease your taxes, and discover unique ways to plan for the future. (I have to admit…I learned some very interesting new techniques recently).

CLICK HERE to learn more – I’d be happy to explore some options or introduce you to our experts who can offer some unique ideas!

by Chad Peddicord

October 06, 2022

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