We are excited to share a Next Generation Parish update from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, led by Fr. Matthew Guckin.

Life at the parish has truly blossomed over the past year! The parish leadership has set well-defined priorities and goals, allowing the community to focus its energy and resources on the heart of its mission. Fr. Matthew shares, “We want to attract spiritual seekers. We want to build our foundation of faith. And we want to send people out to be ambassadors of Christ.”

A key part of this transformation has been integrating the parish’s sacred purpose and vision into everyday parish life. By repeating these core principles, especially in the Prayer of the Faithful, the parish’s identity has become deeply rooted. This focus has allowed Our Lady of Mt. Carmel to experience significant growth, particularly in the youth ministry, where participation has increased.

Fr. Matthew emphasized how this clear direction has also strengthened communication across the parish. It’s helped streamline efforts, ensuring everyone is aligned with the parish’s mission. While there is always room for improvement, the Next Generation Parish initiative has provided the tools to make thoughtful, sometimes difficult decisions essential to staying true to the sacred purpose.

One example of this clarity in action occurred when the parish chose to disaffiliate from a group that no longer aligned with its mission. With the help of the vision and purpose statements, parish leadership had the clarity and courage to stand behind their values. For Fr. Matthew, this moment highlighted how the structure and focus provided by the Next Generation Parish planning helped him grow as a leader, giving him the confidence to stand by decisions that support the long-term spiritual health of the parish.

Fr. Matthew says this process is “giving me a backbone to make very difficult decisions.” The parish’s clear purpose and identity have given him and the leadership team the confidence to lead boldly and faithfully.

The journey at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel continues to build a thriving, spiritually engaged parish community, focused on building up the Kingdom of God.

This is an incredible and encouraging shift since Fr. Matthew Guckin's last update in May of 2023, One Priest's Hope to Find Focus. The Lord is providing both focus and energy, and we can't wait to see how the parish community is strengthened in the months to come!

by Mary Serafino

October 16, 2024

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