Founder, Tim Flanagan, Gives Address at CLI 30th Anniversary Mass
Dear Friends, Colleagues, and Supporters of CLI,
2021 marks the 30th Anniversary of the founding of Catholic Leadership Institute. Three decades into our mission, we have experienced profound graces from Our Lord, grown in countless ways, and increased our love and service to the Church along pathways no one could have imagined 30 years ago.
On Thursday, July 15, CLI was blessed to celebrate our 30th Anniversary with a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. As we continue to reflect on this milestone year in our history, I invite you to watch the reflection from our Founder, Tim Flanagan, presented at the beginning of our 30th Anniversary Mass celebration.
As our Founder, Tim has seen the work of CLI grow through the years with tremendous impact on dioceses, bishops, parishes, and clergy in countless ways. The words of our Founder speak to the history of CLI, the legacy of our service, and our love for the Church which, we pray, will continue for another 30 years.
Dan Cellucci
Our CEO Daniel Cellucci's weekly email, the DIAL: Discerning Insights About Leadership.
CLI serves Church leaders, helping them rediscover their potential and forming them to be more intentional with those they serve.
CLI helps empower and energize Catholic leaders by providing focus and courage to engage the culture with an apostolic mindset.
CLI provides vision and hope about the future of the Church with a humble, yet strategic approach.