30 Years • 30 Intentions • 30 Visits with our Lord
As Catholic Leadership Institute celebrates 30 years of igniting our parishes, emboldening our clergy, and forging the future, we invite you to join us in making 30 visits to our Lord in Adoration over the next year to give thanks for the many blessings He has bestowed upon this ministry and to pray fervently for the Church and Her leaders.
If you will be joining us in keeping these intentions in prayer for our 30th anniversary, we would love for you to let us know by adding your name here:
We thank you for keeping these 30 intentions at the forefront of your prayers as we continue our service to build Catholic leaders for today and tomorrow.
Pray to Ignite the Parish
† For all those who are away from a parish community, that they feel welcomed home by our parishes
† For future generations to receive a constant invitation from their parish to discern their unique call to holiness
† For all parishes, to recognize their responsibility to care for all souls in their part of the Kingdom of God
† For struggling parishes to be granted support and filled with courage to strengthen their community
† For those parishes that are bearing much fruit, that they remain humble and committed to ongoing conversion
† For parish leaders called to the ministry of faith formation and catechesis, that they always share the truth with great love
† For parish leaders to be called forth on mission and equipped to give witness to the Gospel
† For all of us as we seek to grow in faith, that we open ourselves to the grace of the sacraments
† For parish vitality and our individual contributions to a culture of mercy and welcome in our parishes
† For all of us on this Catholic journey, that we embrace our baptismal call and take the next step God calls us to
Pray to Embolden the Clergy
† For all of our families, that we cultivate an understanding of discernment of gifts and talents for service in God’s Church
† For an increase in vocations, that more young men and women recognize the Lord’s call in their life
† For all of our bishops to lead with courage and confidence in their ministries
† For all of our bishops and priests, that they have the courage to engage in healthy conflict, to offer fraternal correction, and to embrace their teaching office with confidence
† For all deacons, that they radiate the foundational charism of servant leadership that defines their call
† For all seminarians to develop a lifelong commitment to self-reflection, conversion and formation
† For our clergy to feel reinvigorated in God’s purpose for their life and rooted in God’s call to them
† For all leaders in the Church to find balance and time for individual prayer in the fullness of their lives
† For all leaders in the Church to attune their attitudes and practices to the ultimate model of leadership, Jesus Christ
† For Church leaders to recognize that the greatest gifts they offer are the ones they call forth from others to share
Pray to Forge the Future
† For an abundance of creativity and innovation that aligns to the universal mission of the Church
† For an increase in perseverance through challenge as we walk toward the future God calls us to build
† For detachment from the comforts, needs and wants that prevent us from being open to the work of the Holy Spirit
† For a surge in authentic Christian hope that helps us meet adversity with full confidence in Christ’s victory
† For a wealth of chosen poverty that allows us to share and steward God’s gifts justly
† For an unquenchable thirst for us to discover the fullness of the faith as given by Christ
† For an outpouring of our humble, authentic witness to the lifechanging power of God in our lives
† For a deluge of mercy to wash over us so that we can testify to the unconditional love of God
† For a richness of talents to be shared from among all of the baptized so that we may give glory to God
† For an unwavering faith that reminds us that God is present today, tomorrow, and always
Our CEO Daniel Cellucci's weekly email, the DIAL: Discerning Insights About Leadership.
CLI serves Church leaders, helping them rediscover their potential and forming them to be more intentional with those they serve.
CLI helps empower and energize Catholic leaders by providing focus and courage to engage the culture with an apostolic mindset.
CLI provides vision and hope about the future of the Church with a humble, yet strategic approach.